Distilled from 25 Natural Herbs and Flowers following TCM principles, this precious oil is derived through a meticulous process, requiring a large amount of herbs to produce a small but potent quantity, ensuring exceptional therapeutic effects.

Rose NeuroHarmony offers a touch of natural luxury to your daily life, enhancing your well-being with its rich, nurturing blend. Ideal for aromatherapy, this essential oil helps promote relaxation and improve mood, especially under work pressure or in challenging situations. Elevate your self-care routine with Rose NeuroHarmony and enjoy a more serene, balanced life.

For Uplifting Moods & Relaxation

$15 - 1 ML | $60 - 5 ML


Rose Geranium Pure Essential Oil, French Rose, Chinese Rose, Dark Red Rose, Jasmine, Peppermint, Silk Tree Flower, Lily Bulb, Bupleurum Root, Sour Jujube Seed, Dried Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root, Goji Berry, Osmanthus, White Peony Root, Hawthorn Berry, Roselle, Chamomile, Dried Longan, Chinese Yam, Red Dates, Poria, Lavender, Gastrodia Root, Ginseng , Chrysanthemum, Cassia Seeds, Astragalus Root

玫瑰天竺葵精油, 法国玫瑰, 月季花, 墨红玫瑰, 茉莉花, 薄荷, 合欢花, 百合, 柴胡, 酸枣仁, 陈皮, 甘草, 枸杞, 桂花, 白芍, 山楂, 洛神花, 洋甘菊, 桂圆, 山药, 红枣, 茯苓, 薰衣草, 天麻, 人参, 菊花, 决明子, 黄芪

How to use:

  • Air Diffuser: Add 2 - 3 drops to your diffuser to fill your space with a soothing aroma

  • Direct Inhalation: Inhale deeply for a quick relief

  • Topical Application: Test a small amount on your skin for sensitivity. If no reaction occurs, apply a drop under the nose for calming and relaxation effects